Laura’s Pen performs a chronic illness poem about the misconceptions healthy people sometimes have about her life… This is a chronic …

Laura’s Pen performs a chronic illness poem about the misconceptions healthy people sometimes have about her life… This is a chronic …
Laura’s Pen looks back at 2016, and forwards to her hopes for the next year… A year forward, a year …
Ok, so this is a really quick post. I was just on a site sharing deals with people and realised …
Laura’s Pen uses a “One thing every day” analogy to explain how restrictive life is with a chronic illness… This …
Laura’s Pen’s open letter to people who say: “But you don’t look sick,”, explaining why she hides her illness… Dear …
It’s taken me a long time to write this post. I wanted to wait until a medical professional told me …
When you first get ill, it’s scary. You’re used to going to the doctor and them quickly being able to tell you what’s wrong. But with most illnesses that become chronic, this is not the case, you go through a long period of anxiety…
It’s been a mad week, for reasons that will no doubt feature in a future blog, so I haven’t really …
Living with a chronic illness is hard. The pain, the fatigue, the insomnia, the cognition problems, the endless list of …
I wanted to share a Facebook post that has been doing the rounds this week about a woman called Lauren …