Categories: ME/CFS

Help the millions missing protest (from home)

On May 25th people with ME and ME allies will be gathering at a few key locations around the world to protest the millions missing from work, school and society because of ME and the lack of funding and research it receives. 

But if you are one of the many ME people who won’t be able to attend, because of your illness or location, then never fear. You can also take part in the following ways:

1. Send your shoes to one of the protests 
I’ve posted this blog a few days earlier than normal to make sure UK people (or those happy to send to the UK) have time to do this. They want to have the shoes of those people with ME who can’t make the protest to symbolise those who are missing. I think this will be a very striking and haunting way of representing a community who can’t protest in person standing together. For London the deadline for the shoes to arrive is Saturday 21st May 2016. Find out more info, including where to send them here (and make sure to fill out their short form online and put your name in with your parcel).

The deadline for shoes the Washington DC protest has passed already, but you can still take part in the ways below, or if you are well enough and nearby, you can attend in person.

There will also be demonstrations in Melbourne, Australia and other locations in the USA.

2. Take a picture of your empty shoes on your door step

If you can’t get out of your house, but can get to your front door (or have someone who can do this for you) pick up a pair of shoes that you feel symbolise you, put them on your doorstep and take a picture. Don’t forget to share with the #millionsmissing hashtag and/or use the app linked to below to put the #millionsmissing filter on it.

My party shoes, my work shoes, my running shoes. These are shoes I can no longer fill.

3. Change your profile picture on social media/upload to Instagram with the #millionsmissing twibbon or app
You can use twibbon to automatically put the filter on your current profile picture or use the #millionsmissing app to put the filter on any photo.

4. Tweet, post Facebook statuses and Instagram pics on May 25th using the #millionsmissing hashtag
Pretty self explanatory. Get talking about ME and what you are missing out on with the #millionsmissing hashtag.

In particular, they want you to post selfies of yourself and, if possible, print out this sign and fill in what you are missing because of your ME and hold it up in your photo. If you don’t have access to a printer you can make your own or write it out in your tweet/caption/status. Don’t forget the #millionsmissing hashtag!

There are also these great posters you can share.

Good luck with your protests,

Lauras’s Pen


Laura Chamberlain: Laura is a writer blogging about living with chronic illness, namely Lyme Disease, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS) and Fibromylagia. She likes food, cats, bad jokes. Unfortunately, her boyfriend is allergic to the last two...
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